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Thank you for taking the time to fill out my Eileen Hanks Designs website & product survey. This information will only be used to help me serve you better.
On average, how often do you visit my site?
Several times a week
Several times a month
About once a month
Less than once a month
This is my first visit here
How did you hear about my website?
From a friend
Search engine
Guessed the URL address
Newspaper or magazine ad
Business associate
Internet ad
Link from another page
How often do you use the web to shop for jewelry or hair accessory items?
Several times a week
About once a week
About once a month
Two to six times a year
Less than once a year
Did you find what you were looking for on my site?
Yes, I found exactly what I was looking for.
Yes, but not in the size/color/etc. I needed.
I found a related product, but not exactly what I wanted.
No, I didn't find what I was looking for.
Other (Please Specify)
If you did not find exactly what you wanted, please explain what you were looking for.
Do you have any suggestions or recommendations to help me improve my site?
Please provide your e-mail address below, if you would like to hear from us regarding your comments in this survey and also if you would like to special order something that you didn't see on my site. I thrive on special orders!
Thank you so much for your time today & God Bless You!

~Eileen Hanks~
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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